Genesis Global Group
Integrated Analytical Solutions, Inc.

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Integrated Analytical Solutions, Inc. is a proud member of Genesis Drug Discovery & Development (GD3), a fully integrated CRO providing services to support drug discovery programs of our clients from target discovery through IND filing and managing Phase I-III clinical trials.

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Qualification Track

Bioanalysis for Lead Optimization/Selection

As selected compounds show promise it may be necessary to further characterize the overall suitability of their bioanalytical methods. We offer various levels of bioanalytical method qualification to provide you with the assurance that a method has the desired level of accuracy, precision, sensitivity and stability for a particular stage of development. At this level, bioanalytical methods for lead candidates and critical biomarkers are further optimized and qualified to support pivotal PK studies, dose range-finding, toxicokinetic, and tissue distribution studies.

Qualification Track Illustration